eLeave Philippines

E-Leave Management System

Simplify leave management with our Leave Management System. Employees can easily apply for leave through the mobile app, attaching necessary documents like medical certificates or flight tickets. HR receives instant push notifications for new requests and can quickly approve or reject them. Employees are promptly notified via email, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.


We provide everything you need to manage your company’s leave process.

  • Self Service Portal

    Employees can submit their leave applications through a mobile app or web portal.

  • Upload Leave Attachments

    Employees can upload related documents, such as medical certificates or flight ticket photos, for HR reference.

  • Multilevel Approval

    HR admins can configure the approval process to require either one or multiple approvers. They can also combine both options for flexible approval flows.

  • Leave Balance Tracking

    The system automatically calculates accrued, taken, and available leave balances, providing real-time updates for employees and HR.

  • Access to Leave Policies

    Employees can view their entitled leave policy details, including the name of the approver, working hours, and their leave records for the year.

  • Calendar Integration

    The system integrates with calendars to display approved leaves and avoid scheduling conflicts.

  • Leave Application History

    Employees can view their leave application history via the mobile app or web portal.

  • Push Notifications

    Automated notifications and reminders are sent to employees and managers about pending leave requests, approvals, rejections, and updates.

  • Customizable Leave Policies

    HR can tailor leave policies for different employee types. For example, unconfirmed staff may be ineligible for advanced leave, while permanent staff are entitled to it.

  • Email Approvals

    HR can approve leave requests with a single click through email notifications, eliminating the need to log into the web portal.

  • Leave Carry Forward

    HR can carry forward remaining leave balances to the next year and set deadlines for using these carried-forward leaves before they expire.

  • Reporting and Analytics

    HR can access detailed summary reports through the web portal, providing insights into leave taken, absenteeism, and other leave-related details

  • Replacement Leave

    HR can specify which employees are eligible for replacement leave, such as those working on their scheduled day off.

Automate leave calculations, applications, and approvals to save time and reduce manual work. Our system allows employees to self-service apply for leave through a web portal or mobile app. Employees can easily apply for leave and check their leave balances on the go.
leave application notification (1)
A push notification is sent to HR or designated approvers via email and mobile when employees apply for leave, ensuring no requests are missed. Once approved or rejected, employees are promptly notified. Approved leaves automatically update in the attendance systems. Our multi-level approval process ensures transparency and fairness. HR can customize the approval settings to require either a single approver or multiple, providing flexibility to meet your organization’s needs.